Rebuild / Refurbish

Revitalize Your Vintage Sculpture

If your sculpture has suffered damage due to accidents like a fallen tree or lawn equipment mishaps, considering a rebuild can be a wise decision. On my website, you’ll find guidelines for obtaining replacement parts like bearings or glass. In some cases, sending your aged, damaged sculpture for a complete overhaul can be the most effective solution.

It’s important to note that I don’t merely repair sculptures that arrive at my workshop. Instead, each one undergoes a comprehensive restoration, updating all its components and technology to meet current standards. If you’re interested in this service, please send photos to help assess the condition of your sculpture.

For the restoration process, I require:

  1. The name under which the sculpture was originally purchased, so I can locate your order.
  2. The shipping address where the restored sculpture needs to be sent.
  3. Photographs detailing the damage or wear it has undergone.

My goal is to not just repair but to elevate your sculpture to a condition that surpasses its original state. Please contact me via phone to discuss further and send the necessary information by email.